I had been taking care of my mom full-time for 10 years and due to her failing mobility, I was no longer able to do that at home. We were fortunate that Accura HealthCare of Cherokee had a bed for her. I know we were both scared of the unknown. Many staff were comforting and reassuring. I have so much appreciation for all of you in choosing this field to work in. I know it's not easy and we all have daily struggles in our personal lives. I am thankful each day to see all of your faces. I think you all know that my mom is 102, thanks to all of your care, she just might see her 103rd birthday.
When you don't have any family left to help with care, I have learned in this past year to trust in all of you to give my mother the very best care. Please know that some family members sleep better at night knowing the excellent care their parent is receiving. Thank you Accura staff.